Bouchra karam

في حي يعقوب المنصور بمدينة الرباط، توجد عدة مؤسسات تعليمية خصوصية. إليك بعضًا منها: مجموعة مدارس التوفيق المثالية يعقوب المنصور، الرباط مؤسسة تعليمية خصوصية تقدم برامج دراسية متنوعة.  مجموعة مدارس وليلي يعقوب المنصور، الرباط مؤسسة تعليمية خصوصية تهتم بتقديم تعليم ذي جودة.  مؤسسة المنال الثقافي يعقوب المنصور، الرباط مدرسة خاصة تركز على التنمية الثقافية والأكاديمية للطلاب.  مدرسة أشبال الفتح يعقوب المنصور، الرباط مؤسسة تعليمية خصوصية تهدف إلى تطوير مهارات الطلاب.  مدرسة الحسنية يعقوب المنصور، الرباط مدرسة خاصة تقدم برامج تعليمية متميزة.  معهد الصباح يعقوب المنصور، الرباط مؤسسة تعليمية خصوصية توفر برامج دراسية متنوعة.  مدرسة المستقبل الزاهر يعقوب المنصور، الرباط مؤسسة تعليمية تهدف إلى تحقيق مستقبل مشرق للطلاب.  مدرسة كنزة لغزاوي يعقوب المنصور، الرباط مدرسة خاصة تركز على تقديم تعليم عالي الجودة.  مؤسسة الإدريسي يعقوب المنصور، الرباط مؤسسة تعليمية خصوصية تهتم بتطوير قدرات الطلاب.  مدرسة المناهل يعقوب المنصور، الرباط مدرسة خاصة تقدم برامج تعليمية شاملة.  يرجى ملاحظة أن بعض هذه المؤسسات قد لا تتوفر على عناوين محددة عبر المصادر المتاحة. للحصول على معلومات أكثر دقة، يُنصح بزيارة الموقع الرسمي لوزارة التربية الوطنية أو التواصل مباشرة مع المؤسسات التعليمية المعنية.

الجديد أرووع موديلات القفطان المغربي والتكشيطة راقية لسنة 2024 #

عشرة المليون /





The 12 images viewed below represent a year-long project which followed the monthly development of one Airedale puppy during her first year of life. To view enlargements of each photo and the monthly developmental goals, click on each of the thumbnail images.

JANUARY - Newborn

I was born January 16th. I have 2 sisters and 7 brothers (a large litter for Airedales - the average is 6 to 8). It took 8 hours for all of us to come into the world. I weighed 10.5 ounces at birth and am gaining weight steadily. This month, I'll do all my feeding from my mom. In a few days my eyes and ears will open. In 4 days, by tail will be docked and my dew claws removed. My main jobs this month are to stay warm with my mom and litter mates, eat, sleep and grow in a quiet environment.


FEBRUARY - 2th Month

This month I have started learning to walk and to play. I also got my first set of teeth, which my mom doesn't seem to appreciate. My person has started to feed a yummy mixture of dog food, cottage cheese and puppy milk replacement, but I am still nursing some. I now weigh 4 pounds - more than 4 times my birth weight. This month, my main job is learning how to be a puppy and how to use these new teeth.


MARCH - 3rd Month

This month, mom stopped feeding us totally, but we've all been getting a yummy mixture of dog food and milk. I have also been given some fun toys to play and learn with. I've been learning how to be a dog through my play with my brothers and sisters. I now find I do not need to sleep in a pile with my brothers and sisters. I am definitely feeling more and more independent and brave, and my biggest thrill is exploring my own backyard! I now weigh 12.5 pounds, three times what I weighed last month.


APRIL - 4th Month

This month some of my brothers and sisters found new homes. I started getting my permanent teeth. This is also the time to get my ears glued to be sure that they look good when I grow up. We have been eating adult food and this month I weighed in at 20.5 pounds.


MAY - 5th Month

It is spring and a great time for me to be a big puppy! I now weigh in at 30 pounds - about 1/2 of my adult weight. My brothers and sisters and I have discovered the fruit trees in the back yard - my favorite are the plums! I continue to get my permanent teeth. My play is now more goal oriented. I also enjoy being with my person and our bond is growing stronger.


JUNE - 6th Month

This is me at my first official AKC Match! This is the start of my show career, which will probably take up the first 2 to 3 years of my life. In order to prepare for this special day, my person spent many hours grooming my coat with a stripping knife and combing my furnishings. At the match, we went into the show ring with a bunch of other puppies and walked around, then stood all in a line while some other person came around and felt all over us! I don't really get it yet, but soon I will become expert at it. The best part was getting all those liver treats from my person while we were in the ring!


JULY - 7th Month

Another new experience! At an evening trip to the lake, I discovered there's more to water than what's in my bowl at home. Boats, ducks, fish, bugs. I stuck a toe in, but it was too cold to go further! Notice I am trusted off lead now (sometimes)!


AUGUST - 8th Month

A picnic in a park in Livermore gave me ample opportunity for playing fetch and taking it easy under the trees. All in the name of my gathering experience in different situations, of course!


SEPTEMBER - 9th Month

A trip to downtown San Jose help to get me used to traffic noises and crowds. Exposure to many different environments is very important to make me a well-rounded dog.


OCTOBER - 10th Month

A beautiful fall day is the perfect time to take a trip to the local park to play with leaves and improve my agility and knowledge of different obstacles


NOVEMBER - 11th month

A trip to the country gave me a great chance to run and play in the horse paddock. They were as curious about me as I was about them! Everywhere I go now, there is something new to learn about and new situations. Of course, I am becoming very sophisticated.


DECEMBER - 12th Month

I'm almost one year old! Here I am at Grandma's house for Christmas; I can now successfully resist the temptation to chew up all these toys (not to mention this hat)! Next year I'll start going to AKC dog shows to earn my championship.
Thanks to my careful training and socializing this year, I know just how to handle new situations as they come up, with the help of my person.

I am confident, strong and brave!!

I invite new Challenges!!



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